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Abortion Pill Checklist

Abortion Pill Checklist

Here are four things you want to know before purchasing a chemical abortion, otherwise known as the abortion pill. Understanding these key points can help you make an informed decision about your reproductive health. Need answers now? Chat anonymously with a nurse for free at (405) 645-6062.


1. You want to know if you are pregnant.

Before proceeding with a medical (abortion pill) or surgical abortion, it's essential to confirm your pregnancy. Following a lab-quality pregnancy test, a trained advocate will address any questions you have about abortion procedures. Additionally, we offer no-cost limited ultrasounds to provide further clarity.


2. You want to know if your pregnancy is progressing.

Since up to 1 in 4 pregnancies may end in miscarriage, it's crucial to determine the progress of your pregnancy and confirm the fetus is located in the uterus with a heartbeat. An ultrasound is the most reliable method for assessing gestation and viability, and we can provide this service for you.


3. You want to be sure you are not being coerced or forced by a partner, friend, or family member to make an abortion decision.

If you feel pressured by a partner, friend, or family member to make an abortion decision that makes you uncomfortable, or if you're uncertain about external pressures, we offer a confidential space to discuss your options.

Abortion is a deeply personal decision protected by law, and you don’t have to navigate it alone. Our trained, compassionate advocates are here to provide a confidential consultation, address tough questions, and offer comprehensive information about abortion procedures.


4. You want to gather all the information about the physical, emotional, and spiritual risks of abortion.

An abortion is a permanent decision with potential physical, emotional, and spiritual implications. It's crucial to understand these risks thoroughly. Additionally, assessing for sexually transmitted infections (STIs) is essential; untreated STIs can lead to infections and complications post-abortion.

You deserve a safe, comfortable, and respectful environment. Schedule an appointment for confidential, no-cost pregnancy testing, limited ultrasound, and comprehensive pregnancy decision support. Alternatively, you can text (405) 645-6062 to speak directly with a certified nurse who can answer your questions and guide you through your options.

You Are Not Alone

We're here to support you on your terms. You can reach us for support via text, call, or in-person at our facilities, all while maintaining your anonymity.


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Our nurses are available to text 24/7 | (405) 645-6062

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