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When Did I Conceive?

When Did I Conceive?

So, you're pregnant. But how can you determine when conception occurred and know for certain who the father is? A conception date calculator can help. Need answers now? Chat anonymously with a nurse for free at (405) 645-6062.

While pinpointing the exact moment of conception isn't an exact science like tracking your menstrual cycle, understanding your body's rhythms and cycles can help you estimate when conception likely occurred.


What Date Did I Conceive?

Whether you're early in your pregnancy or further along, there's a straightforward calculation you can use to estimate when you conceived.

Typically, ovulation—the time when your body is most fertile—occurs about two weeks after the start of your last menstrual period. This means that, on average, there are about two to three days during each menstrual cycle when you are likely to conceive.

Conception Date Calculator

By calculating the time since your last period, you can estimate your ovulation window and, therefore, when conception might have occurred.

If calculating this seems challenging, there are free online calculators available to assist you, or you can text us at  (405) 645-6062.

However, it's important to note that this is a rough estimate. Every woman's menstrual cycle and ovulation patterns vary. Some women have longer ovulation windows, while others ovulate earlier or later in their cycle.

Additionally, pregnancy can occur from sex before the ovulation window begins because sperm can survive in the body for up to five days. This means that sperm from before ovulation can still fertilize an egg if it remains viable long enough.


Conception Calculator

Conception Date from Ultrasound

Another method to determine the conception date is through an ultrasound. Fetuses grow at a consistent rate, allowing the age of the fetus to be measured accurately. Therefore, an ultrasound can provide a more precise date range than an ovulation calculator.

Getting an ultrasound not only helps pinpoint when conception occurred but also confirms the fetus's viability.

You can schedule an ultrasound at your local OB/GYN office, though this typically involves paperwork and billing. Alternatively, your local pregnancy center may offer free ultrasound services, bypassing the need for hospital or insurance involvement.


Get Help Determining Your Conception Date

If you need help figuring out which day you conceived or if you have any questions about pregnancy in general, we’re here to help.

Simply text (405) 645-6062 to speak with a real, certified nurse who will answer your questions and explain your options.

You Are Not Alone

We're here to support you on your terms. You can reach us for support via text, call, or in-person at our facilities, all while maintaining your anonymity.


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