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Is The Abortion Pill Legal In Oklahoma?

Is The Abortion Pill Legal In Oklahoma?

If you're contemplating an abortion, having accurate information is crucial. In this blog post, we aim to clarify any uncertainties surrounding the abortion pill, particularly in states like Oklahoma. Need answers now? Chat anonymously with a nurse for free at (405) 645-6062.

When Can I Use the Abortion Pill?

A medical abortion, also known as the abortion pill, is suitable for women up to 70 days from their last missed period.

As the time since conception increases, the effectiveness of the abortion pill decreases significantly. By ten weeks, its effectiveness diminishes considerably.

To determine how far along you are in fetal development, it’s best to get an ultrasound. This is a more precise way to determine your date of conception.

Have abortion questions but prefer to talk to someone? Text with us 24/7 at  (405) 645-6062. Chatting with us is always free and confidential!

What Kinds of Abortion Pills Are Available to Me?

Most medications are alike in this regard, but abortion pills typically divide into two categories: those sanctioned by the FDA and those that aren't.

When browsing online, you might have noticed this distinction. Generally, FDA-approved abortion pills tend to be notably pricier than their non-approved counterparts.

Moreover, abortion pills lacking FDA approval often entail longer shipping durations because they are dispatched from countries such as India, where medication regulations are less stringent compared to the United States.

Can I Use the Abortion Pill in Oklahoma?

Since the Supreme Court overruled its previous decision in Roe v. Wade, the legality of abortion has become a state issue instead of a federal one.

In Oklahoma, all forms of abortion, including medical abortions like the abortion pill, are prohibited by law. Therefore, it is illegal to use the abortion pill in Oklahoma.

Despite this legal restriction, online retailers may still attempt to sell these pills to you. However, they cannot provide FDA-approved medication.

At-Home Abortions & The Abortion Pill

If you manage to obtain an abortion pill, self-administering the medication can be challenging without professional guidance, posing risks of incorrect usage and potential harm.

Moreover, the second pill in the abortion regimen causes the expulsion of the fetus from your body, which can occur at any stage of development.

Mentally preparing for this process is crucial, as it may involve the emotional experience of witnessing a partially-formed fetus being expelled, which can be traumatic for many individuals.


Get Your Abortion Pill Questions Answered

If you have questions about the legality of the abortion pill where you live, want to discuss your options, or even get a free ultrasound, Life Choices is here to help.

We have licensed nurses on call 24/7, ready to assist you and answer any questions you may have. To speak with a medical professional, simply text us at (405) 645-6062.

Additionally, we provide free, safe, and confidential consulting. Simply register a time to visit Life Choices.


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