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Abortion Info In Chickasha

If you're considering abortion, it's important to explore your options and carefully weigh your decision. Understanding your rights, the stage of your pregnancy, and all the facts will help you confidently and safely make informed choices.

Have questions and need answers now? Text our certified nurse 24/7 at (405) 645-6062. It's always free and confidential!


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Common Abortion Misconceptions


  • A positive pregnancy test doesn't always mean you're pregnant. Miscarriages occur in about one-quarter of all pregnancies, so your pregnancy may not be viable. Always confirm your pregnancy with an ultrasound. Taking the abortion pill when your pregnancy isn't viable can be dangerous.

  • According to the FDA, the abortion pill is only approved for pregnancies up to 10 weeks.

  • Determining your conception date based on your last period isn't accurate for determining gestational age. Each menstrual cycle's fertility window can vary, so only an ultrasound can accurately determine gestational age.

Have Questions Related to Abortions?

  • Many women who consider abortions may feel varying degrees of unwanted pressure. You have the right to choose the outcome of your pregnancy. No partner, boyfriend, spouse, or parent can legally coerce or force you into a medical or surgical abortion. If you suspect pressure to abort or lack support for parenting, our center can provide advocacy and information on your legal rights.

    You have the legal right to make your own decision. No one should decide for you.

    No one can force you to have an abortion, including your parents or the father of the baby. If you feel pressured (coerced) to have an abortion, you have options. Schedule an appointment to talk with a trained client consultant about your choices and legal rights. If you are in immediate danger or concerned for your safety or the safety of your baby, call 911.

  • If you are considering abortion, your first step is to schedule a pre-termination appointment for an ultrasound.

    Before proceeding with an abortion, the ultrasound will determine:

    Whether your pregnancy is progressing, which is crucial in determining the appropriate abortion method and associated costs based on your health history and gestational age.
    Whether your pregnancy is viable. The only definitive way to confirm a viable pregnancy (one that is progressing normally) is through an ultrasound. Research indicates that up to one in four pregnancies may not progress, and some miscarriages may only be detected during an ultrasound. If a miscarriage is detected, you will need follow-up care from a doctor.

  • The cost of an abortion varies based on the procedure type and whether the abortion pill is an option for your stage of pregnancy. Costs can range from hundreds to thousands of dollars.

    Before making any abortion decisions, it's crucial to determine the stage of your pregnancy. At Life Choices, we provide free ultrasounds to verify your pregnancy progression. While we do not perform or refer for pregnancy terminations, we are here to support you with information and resources.

  • We provide cost-free ultrasounds to determine the viability of your pregnancy and the stage of fetal development. As a community-funded 501(c)3 nonprofit organization, Life Choices does not profit from your ultrasound or pregnancy decisions.

    Another benefit of receiving an ultrasound at our center is that, because there is no charge, none of our services will be reported to your insurance or billed to your account.

    Your ultrasound information is completely confidential. We are here to support you as you explore your options in a safe environment.

    To schedule a confidential appointment, you can request one online or call us. Any requests made after hours will be responded to on the next operational day.

    Please note, if you are experiencing symptoms like bleeding, spotting, or cramping, it's important to seek immediate medical attention. These could indicate a miscarriage, and you may need further medical care.


  • Life Choices Chickasha does not offer or refer for pregnancy terminations or birth control. Information is provided as an educational service.

    We understand that navigating your options can be scary and confusing. If you are looking for a safe and confidential place to talk, schedule a consultation using the form below or send us a text. A nurse is available to chat with you 24/7.

    Text with a nurse now at  (405) 645-6062.


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